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List of Engineering Colleges in Greater noida

Mangalmay Institute of Management and Technology
8 & 9, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida -201306, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-120-2320400, 2320401,
Toll Free: 1800 200 9260
Fax: +91-120-2320690
Website: http://www.mangalmay.org/

G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park III, Distt. G.B.Nagar, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306
TelePhone: +91-9891591865, +91-9891591875
Toll Free: 8010-000-234
Fax: 0120-2323817

I.T.S. Engineering College
46, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida -201308, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-8510010840/41/42/43
Fax: 0120-2331037

IIMT College of Engineering
Knowledge Park III, plot no. 20-A, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
Telephone: (0120) 2322655
Fax: 0121-2323860

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
1, Knowledge Park, Institutional Area, Phase - II, Greater Noida -201306, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-120-4370000
Fax: +91-120-326872

Greater Noida Institute of Technology
Plot No. 7, Knowledge Park - II, Greater Noida -110067, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: + 91-120-6454212, 8860606606, 8860606673

Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology
19, Knowledge Park-II, Institutional Area, Phase - II, Greater Noida -201308, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-8800509206, 9971633005,
Fax: +91-120-2320062

JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus (JEMTEC)
48/4, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Knowledge Park III, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
Telephone: 0120-3819700 / 01 / 04 / 05, 0120-6587569 
Fax: 011-26220998

Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology (SIET)
Plot no. 3, Knowledge Park-2, G.B. Nagar (U.P.), Greater Noida -201306, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-9999023482, +91-9582804751,
Fax: 0120-2320207

IILM Engineering College
18, IILM Rd, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida,
Telephone: +91-8860427537, +91-9873107945,
Fax: +91-120-2320058

Dronacharya Group of Institutions
B-27, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306
Telephone: 0120-2322022, 2323851, 2323852, 2323854, 2323855
Fax: 0120-2323853

United College of Engineering and Research
50, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310
Telephone: +91-9335021750,9839442555
Toll Free: 1800-180-5310
Fax: 0532-2687142

Accurate Institute of Management and Technology
49, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida -201308, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: +91-120-2328234/35 ,
Toll Free: 1800-180-3515
Fax: +91-120-2320355

GNIT Girls Institute of Technology
6B, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306
Phone:0120 645 4212

IEC Group Of Institutions
Plot No.4, Surajpur Kasna Road, Institutional Area, Knowledge Park I, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310
Phone:0120 232 6665

KCC Institute of Technology and Management
2B-2C, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306
Phone:092100 65555

Apeejay Institute of Technology
1, Surajpur Kasna Road, Institutional Area, Knowledge Park-I, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
Phone:011 2922 8296

DIT School of Engineering
Plot no.48 A Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
Phone:0120 300 0000

Ram-Eesh Group of Institutions
IEC Bus Stop Rd, Knowledge Park I, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310
Phone:0120 232 2656

Greater Noida Phase-II, Gautam Budh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 203207
Phone:0120 244 6300

JRE School of Management
Plot No.: 5, 6, 7 ,Adjoining Wipro, Knowledge Park – IV, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
Phone:093502 60105

1 comment:

  1. Revision plays a crucial role in exam success, and list of schools in gomti nagar lucknow are leading the way by ensuring students have access to comprehensive study material.
